
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

On my mind today...

  • Too rainy for a walk outside today.
  • I love the smell of the library.
  • Finn's witching hour is back - and it's hours, as in plural, this time.
  • Midnight to 3 am.  
  • Does he think we're in college again?  
  • Because about 2 am, I was ready for a drink.
  • I feel like going to sleep at 7pm, just to make it though these middle of the night meltdowns.
  • Uriah brought me flowers over the weekend.
  • I think they were pity flowers because I was taking care of rambunctious Finn while feeling like crap.
  • Sarah says flowers are flowers and I'm lucky to have a husband who brings them occasionally.
  • When did the littlest sister get to be so smart?
  • Abby came home sick this week.
  • Good thing Uriah was off because I don't do adult-sized illness.  
  • Not even my own.
  • I have windows open today.  
  • And the heat off.
  • It smells good in here, if a little brisk.
  • I will abolish all forms of germs even if I have to shiver a bit to get the job done.
  • Been thinking about grilled chicken all. day. long. 
  • Uriah's going to be gone this weekend - I guess that means I'm it.
  • Still trying to figure out my new lens.
  • Best Valentine's present I have ever gotten in my whole life.
  • Coupon from DSW came...I guess I can get new running shoes...
  • I'm reading Bristol Palin's book.  
  • It was the first one I grabbed while trying to corral Finn at the library.
  • He likes to smile at the library ladies.  And also the little girl who wanted his puzzle.
  • Abby has a show choir concert this week.  
  • I hope it's like a live version of Glee.

26. Husbands who tag team
27. Melty snow and the promise of spring.
28. Walking outside.
29. Rosemary & mint shampoo in the morning.
30. Clean sheets.
31. The smell of books.


  1. I want to know more about this rosemary mint shampoo. What's it called and where can I get some? Oh and I love your photo collage!

  2. Tara - it's the cheapest shampoo ever: Suave. Go to the Wals-mart, they have conditioner, too.

  3. I shall have to add this to my Wally World list!

  4. The witching hours must make their reappearance around 20 months! We have been waging a bedtime battle of epic proportions for the past 3 nights. Last night the screaming, crying, and banging on the crib rails lasted an all time record of 4 hours, from 9 pm to 1 am!!!

    1. Maressa, I know that part of this is my fault giving in and letting him sleep in our bed when I can't seem to keep my eyes open at 2am. Now I am suffering because when he wakes up he just points to my bed and even though I know he will probably fall asleep if he gets in there, I will not. So instead we are learning how to self-soothe. And by "we," I mean Finn is learning and I am learning to ignore the hours of crying! Hang in there...I'll be thinking of you in the wee small hours!
