Saturday, April 2, 2011

Do you hear that?

That is the sound of a little bit of Crown splashing over a couple of ice cubes and my bed calling my name.
My whole bed.
Not to be shared with a squirmy bitty boy tonight (his head is better, just a small bruise that reminds me hourly to be more careful.  That means he gets to sleep in his own crib and I get the whole bed to myself tonight!).

This has been a day. 

On the postive side of the list:
  1. All of the pictures are off of the walls and packed in boxes.
  2. The DVDs are packed away and I only have two cabinets left in the buffet to put into boxes.
  3. All of the cookbooks (and there are a lot) are packed - except Betty Crocker and Ree, I might need them in the next month.
  4. Boxes are organized in the garage - filled on one side, empty on the other.
  5. All of the crap on the refrigerator has been cleaned off (I did not realize how much stuff we just stick on the refrigerator and on top of it - pictures, notes, coloring sheets, Emily and Jerad's wedding invitation from last summer...).
  6. I can now move North.  After 4 years of living here, I have successfully made the epitome of dirty, dirty South comfort food: fried tenderloin with mashed potatoes and gravy.  More importantly: I made gravy.  And it was not a congealed mass of inedible paste.  Gold star for me.
And now for the not-so-positive side of the list:
    North American opossum
    {This is not my possum - grody tail, though.}
  1. Finn eschewed a nap until about 4 this afternoon and then slept for two hours and then really wasn't that into his normal bedtime even though he was sporting some tired eyes.
  2. Abby lost her pretty little mind tonight becasuse she couldn't go on a sleep over for the second night in a row.
  3. Allegedly, I am not a normal parent.  Or so I was told no less than 57 times.
  4. There was a possum skulking around our back yard while I was practicing my deep breathing exercises and it scared the crap out of me (I wonder if they're dangerous...I did not stay to find out.  Their tails are grody.).
Tomorrow is a new day with a clean slate.
I will endeaver to breath deeply and hug often (and avoid all possums).

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