Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I think the internet has heat stroke.

Life goes on even when you want it to take a quick pause.  Even when it's too hot to think or eat or talk, life keeps on plugging ahead.  Life goes on when you really just want to submerge up to your neck in the lake that feels like warm bath water.  Life goes on when you really just want to submerge your face into a gin and tonic - extra gin, extra limes, extra ice.  But there are still babies to be fed, floors to be swept and dishes to clean.  The mailman still delivers the mail, the garbage man still picks up my trash and Uriah still has to go to work.  Life does not pause for heat. 

My internet, however, has decided to take a heat-related time-out.  It is taking forever to upload anything and don't even get me started on editing pictures.  It's as if the humid air has bogged down the world wide interents and put everything on hiatus.  I will tell you this:  I can't wait to share with you all of Finn's first birthday.  It was a perfect first birthday day and the most fun first birthday party.  There were balloons and presents and Finn ate a whole entire cupcake and Uriah's family came into town for the extravaganza.  We did some touristy things in our own town - that's the benefit of having visitors - we went on a boat ride around West Lake Okoboji and I drooled over some very beautiful, very expensive, lake shore properties.  Finn of course loved being on the water.  He's learning to point, so he pointed at the waves and at the other boats.  Abby got to go up into the captain's cabin and honk the horn.  I can't wait to do it again. 

I also can't wait to share the pictures with you...and Finn's 1 year pictures that I took last week, too.  In the meantime, I'm going to go eat a popsicle.  Oh, and mentally prepare myself for Finn's 1-year check up tomorrow.  There will be shots.  There will be more popsicles.  There will be gin and tonics.

Stay cool...

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