Thursday, May 31, 2012

Do not pass go, do not collect $2,000,000.

I think I might be close to being recovered from our garage sale last weekend.  I took my load to the Goodwill today, and Uriah only has one table left to take back to work and my garage is my own again.  I really don't think we would have been as successful if Daniel hadn't been around to entertain the kiddos for a couple of days so my mom, Ady and I could get everything ready, sorted, organized, tagged and displayed outside.  I'm pretty sure he changed his first diaper (ever.  In his whole life.) and also fed the kids and put Finn down for a nap (and then proceeded to take a nap himself)

Daniel and Abby played Monopoly for 2 solid days.  No joke.  It was the longest Monopoly game ever to be played in this house.  Abby bought it for $1 (or rather, Ady bought it, Abby owes her!) at a garage sale.  I'm so glad we worked hard to rid our house of excess just so Abby could find another game to bring home.  Sigh. Anyway, apparently it is an updated version of Monopoly because you don't play with money, it's electronic and you play with debit cards.  And also... properties are millions of dollars instead of hundreds of dollars.  And the properties are different.  And there aren't any railroads anymore, I think they're airports now.  And the minute their game was done, Abby tried to talk me into playing with her.  I think I'll save that goat rodeo for when there's snow outside.

Ady read books with Finn.  She put him down for a nap.  She fed him dinner.  She gave him a bath.  I think that my kids are a dry-run for people who think they might maybe one day want to have kids of their own, but aren't quite sure if they want to commit.  Come over, take care of them for a day or two, get a better understanding of the loads of work having kids is.  I could market this.  And maybe, as a bonus, I'll throw in an extra challenge: make dinner with two kids up in your business.  To the individuals up for that challenge I say: Good luck.

Finn has been asking about Uncle Dan all week long.  He keeps asking me, "Uncle Dan home?" And I say yes, Uncle Dan is at Grandma's house.  And then he says, "Ady home?" And I say yes, Ady is at her home, too.  And this conversation repeats a million times a day.

We took Dan and Ady on a mini-tour of our town.  We didn't get to see and do everything that I wanted (Duke's Burgers, a Queen Mary tour).  It was a toasty day so Abby and I stuck our toes in the water, but the lakes are still pretty cold.  The tourists are out in full-force (thank goodness, I think that the influx of tourists in our town contributed to the garage-sale success!) and driving from one end of town to the other takes a little bit longer these days.

 Thank you, Uncle Dan and Ady, for taking care of my kiddos last weekend!  We had so much fun with you and can't wait to hang out again soon!


  1. awesome pictures!!! what great memories. is it just me, am I THAT old! that I'm nostalgic for the old school monopoly?

  2. Yay for having great help - especially from people that love our kids so much.
    We have the electronic version of Monopoly. I like it better than the original.
