Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Shots, Sushi and Caramel Apple Sticky Buns

I feel as though this has been a very productive day considering that it's my day off and I showered and put on make-up this morning.  It is public knowledge that on my day off I do not find it necessary to shower.  Hell, some Tuesday's I don't even get out of my jammies and neither does Finn.  And I most certianly do not find it necessary to put on make up.  Who are we kidding, some work days I do not find it necessary to put on makeup.  I'd like to pretend that I'm trying to maintain my baby-smooth skin and it's a form of anti-wrinkle control, but I'm really just lazy.  However, today we had to take Finn for his two month shots and I figured I should look half-way presentable in public.  Plus, Uriah took the day off to be my support staff and I was hoping that we'd be able to squeeze in a lunch date, so my normal Yoga-Pant Uniform was not going to cut it.

Look at those fatty thighs!  
He weighed in at 12 lbs, 3 oz. today!

Now let's talk about these shots.  Vaccinating children is important.  I don't want my kid to get polio or anything, but you'd think that they could come up with a less painful way of doing it.  The nurse that gave Finn his shots was very quick and efficent and had it over and done with before his little body could fully tense up, but I am telling you, that was the longest minute of my life!  Good thing I had on the water-proof mascara because I misted up a bit!  His little thighs hurt and he wore himself out crying, so he cashed in some of his snuggle bucks this afternoon and we took a nap together.  After lunch.

That's right, we went out for lunch after his shots.  Is that wrong?  I didn't think so.  Uriah and I hardly ever have an afternoon together and Alone Time does not happen very often because I can't seem to find the strength to leave Finn more than I have to (read: work).  Finn napped the whole time we were out, so I guess he wasn't too traumatized from the shots; or he was just tired from crying.  Either way, he zonked out in his car seat about 17 seconds after we got into the restaurant.  Oh, the restaurant...there is a new Sushi/Chinese Buffet in Blue Springs that we decided to try for lunch. 

And gone to heaven.

I'm going there next week, too. 

His onesie says it all...
And finally, the cummulaiton to our day...Caramel Apple Sticky Buns.  After our nap this afternoon (yes, we both took a nap; Finn because he had vaccines running through his system and me because I had wasabi running through mine), Finn helped me make Caramel Apple Sticky Buns for work tomorrow.  Finn actually just hung out in his bouncy seat and talked to me and smiled and sneezed, but we were together so we'll call it helping.  All I can say is this: I am a genius.  I realize that this is a bold statement and that I have never had one cooking lesson (except at the apron strings of my mother and Shirley Buchannan, my 7th grade Home Economics teacher) and I also realize that I am married to a chef (schooled and degreed and everything) and he really is a culinary genius, but damn, people!  These are quite possibly going to be the most wonderful and delicous thing I've ever created.  I'll share a picture tomorrow after I take them out of the oven and you can be the judge, but if you come over to my house (Mama) I will make them for you and we will be best friends forever.  But give me some notice so that I can shower and put on make-up first!

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