Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sick Baby

Finn is sick and it is yucky (I'm trying really hard not to use the words sucks and stupid...try it sometime, it's really hard!).

I was telling his daycare teacher on Wednesday morning when I dropped him off that he seemed to have a bit of a cough and could she please keep an eye on it for me.  She pulled out a bright yellow letter and proceeded to tell me that one of the kiddos in Finn's class went home sick on Monday and ended up with RSV (read: really grody viral infection that causes cold-like symptoms such as coughing and snotty noses and can, in some cases, lead to pneumonia).


When I got home from work on Wednesday night, Uriah was a little frazzled.  Finn's cough had gotten deeper and his little baby eyes looked tired (probably because he didn't really nap much during the day).  I gave him a warm bath and a bedtime bottle and put him to bed.  He slept pretty well, only waking up once because he couldn't roll over (he's a lazy sleeper and prefers to have someone move him.  We will be addressing this soon.).  Thursday morning he still had a cough and his nose was runny, but he didn'thave a temperature, (no temp, baby's going to school and mama's going to make some money) so off to school we went.   

{Thursday | 2.17.11}
That lasted until his teacher called me at 11:30 to tell me he didn't have a fever, but that he just wasn't himself (and I definetly trust the woman who snuggles my baby for the 8 hours a day that I can't to know when my son isn't acting like himself!).  By the time I got to school to pick him up, he looked worn out, even though he'd just taken a little nap; he was coughing and sounding like a pug and clearly miserable.  I picked him up and I am telling you what...there is nothing, nothing, like being someone's hero.  Baby Boy was so sad and so stuffed up; he wrapped his little arms around my neck and I had to peel him off to get his jacket and hat on so we could go home.
I put in a call to his doctor, but she said there was really nothing they could do and to just watch him but come in if he was having a hard time breathing.  So I watched him all afternoon.  I watched him as he napped with me on the couch and I kept my hand on his chest to make sure he was breathing easy.  I watched him while I made dinner, sucking snot out of his nose and rubbing his back.  I watched him after I laid him down in his crib and turned the monitor up extra high so we'd hear him if he woke up during the night.  And then Uriah watched him all day Friday, looking for any signs of difficutly breathing and sucking snot out of his tiny nose.  And then we both watched him yesterday, taking turns playing with him when he felt good and snuggling with him we he felt yucky.

{Saturday | 2.19.11}
We are doing the same thing today becasue he's still snotty and coughing and just not well.  And after 5 days of being coughed on and sneezed on and used as a human kleenex, both Uriah and I are starting to feel like Finn...yucky. 

Actually, it's worse than's the word that rhymes with yucky.

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