Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You know that feeling...

...where if you put your head down you're pretty sure your face will explode through your sinuses due to the obscene amount of pressure?

That's how I feel.

Finn and I wore pj's all day yesterday and took two naps on the couch and played a little and read some books.  Mostly, though, we were just lazy, working our collective way through the first season of Grey's Anatomy (sidebar: I'd forgotten how good the writing was in the first couple of seasons.  The story lines were crisp, the dialogue was witty and I miss George).   I thought that all that it would take was one lazy, uneventful day and I would wake up today, miraculously cured of this demon sinus pain.  After all, Uriah only felt sick for about a day and a half...logic dictates that I should be better in the same amount of time.

Not so much.

Abby had play practice at the butt-crack of dawn this morning and Uriah, thankfully, took her.  He snuggled Finn into bed with me; I scratched his little back until he settled down and together we slept for another 2 hours (Uriah took a quick snooze on the couch when he got back from taking Abby; there was no room in the big bed!).

Finn, thankfully, is looking and feeling so much better this morning (the extra sleep he got this morning was necessary).  I think his top teeth are working their way in because his cheeks were really red yesterday and he was more drooly than usual, but this morning his eyes were bright and alert, his little arms and legs were wiggling, he was giggling and best of all...his nose wasn't overly stuffy!  All good signs toward being healthy, I'd say.

Fingers crossed that I'm next to topple into the healthy category...and soon!

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