Wednesday, January 9, 2013

{ 52 Photos Project | Right Now }

I sat in the car this afternoon, waiting for Uriah to run into a store, Finn softly snoring in the back.  I had my eyes closed, thinking about a lesson plan for my religion kids, thinking about what I want to do for 14 days of Valentines this year, thinking about all the things I still wanted to get done today.  Just sitting there, thinking busy thoughts.

And then I opened my eyes and slowly blinked into focus what was right in front of me.  The most beautiful building, stunning architecture.  A blue sky peeking around the building.  And it occurred to me that sometimes I get so caught of in the doldrums of the daily grind that I forget to open my eyes and see at what is right in front of me.


  1. Great photo. I am the same way. I get so distracted. I find that I forget to look up. When I do, I am so in awe of the sky, and leaves, and the sun. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. What a great reminder to open our eyes and see!

  3. I love that building, the "gingerbread" on that one ... cornice, is that the right word? It's beautiful. Very good reflection about the things we miss and why.

  4. A beautiful reminder. I do love this city scene.
    Thank you for sharing.
