Abby told me this week that I have no fashion sense...she told me I dress like a mom.
What does that mean, exactly?
Is it because I don't wear jeggings (or leggings of any sort, for that matter)? Or is it because I don't wear skinny jeans? Or big red earings? Or headbands with sequins and feathers? Is it because I don't own anything that is aquamarine or violet or lime green? Is it because I don't have Justin Bieber's face plastered across my chest (let's face it, nobody's face needs to be plastered across my chest. That is NOT the kind of advertising they want, I assure you).
Is it because I wear cardigan sweaters and yoga pants (not usually, but sometimes, together)? Is it because the color scheme in my closet can be summed up in two words: black and gray? Is it because I have a giant pair of mom underwear that I use to hid my mom belly? Is that it? Is it?
Oh, the horror.
If you need me, I'll be the mom lamenting her loss of style by self-medicating with a martini. In my yoga pants. And a probably a classy cardigan sweater.
This made my day. Wear those panties proudly, Heather. They're like a badge of honor in some circles. Personally, I'll leave the jeggings to those who don't have a ginormous c-section scar.