Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Two weeks ago, as I was scrubbing the baby in the tub and laughing at his silly antics, Uriah came into the bathroom looking very...serious.  He told me he'd made an executive decision.

This is uncommon.  I usually make the executive decisions in our house.  I tend to be...shall we say, bossy?

He continued to tell me, over the abnormally loud splashing of one very happy little boy, that sooner rather than later, Finn will be running around our back yard and he didn't want either one of us to have to stop playing or need to take a time out because we were out of breath and couldn't keep up with the baby.  And while Uriah is quite possibly the worlds skinniest man (he skips one meal and he looks like an anorexic homeless person) he did gain some sympathy weight last year when I was pregnant.  So he decided - and decreed - that we would work out 4 times a week and we will limit our  carbs to 1 a day (not per meal, which is bad news when you have a love affair with carbs that has lasted over 30 years!).  Basically, in order to simplify it, if we have hamburgers and french fries for dinner, I can have either the bun or the french fries.  But not both.  Bring on the salads and the eggs and lots of meat and veggies (good-bye stove-top and mashed potatoes and grilled cheese sandwiches and pasta 15 times a week)

I don't disagree with anything that he said.  It really is about making better (healthier) food choices and moving our bums a little bit more.  So last week we commenced with the healthy eating and the getting out and exercising (taking Finn for a walk and pushing his 20-lb baby chubs up a hill is definetly exercise, my friends!).

Much to my amazement, I wasn't super crabby or craving chocolate chip cookies like I had expected.  I actually enjoy taking a walk in the evening or working up a sweat in the morning.  And the grilled halibut and asparagus that I had for dinner last night was as good as any steak and baked potatoe I've ever consumed.

And when I weighed myself yesterday, I was 2 lbs lighter.  It's a small start; but we all have to start somewhere, right?  And I feel more in control of myself (I like to be in control, obviously).  And gaining a little positive self-image is just as important as losing a little weight.

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